I've listed a couple of business people who have a major following – and it's for a reason. They KNOW what they are talking about.
Seth Godin
Seth runs the most enlightening business blog I have ever read. He just gives pure nuggets of information that have the ability to change the way you think. In fact, it is the most visited business blog that is run by a single person. His topics range from marketing to business to just plain genius.
Many people are surprised that he doesn't charge money for it – – it is that good! I read it every day.
He has written 12 bestselling books with Linchpin being the most recent. I read it a couple of months ago, and it's probably in my top five as business books go.
Jim Cockrum
To get a sample of his products and his panel of experts – head over to MySilentTeam.com and pay $5 for a 5 day trial. There are over 25 experts that have donated their best material in this paid membership site. If you decide to join the membership, it costs around $20 a month.
If the idea of paying for something is not your thing, the very least you can do is join his free newsletter. Everything he says or writes – just makes sense.
Nice to see you took action Nathan.
I agree me and a million others are scared of Budgets, just the thought of the word makes me think that someone is tying my hands.I will be checking out that software you are recommending. See Ya
Reg B.
(please visit my website)