I’m going to run a contest for the first time on this blog, and the winners get a free copy of the Proven Amazon Course (PAC).
I contacted the coordinator of the program, Jim Cockrum, and I was able to secure three copies. This is currently selling for $159.
Here’s how to enter:
1) Click on the link above and see if you’re interested in the PAC course.
2) Leave a comment on this blog post and answer the following: What two things about this course intrigue you the most? In other words, what do you like about it – just from looking at the sales page. How will you (or your business) benefit if you won this course?
3) The three best (most thoughtful) comments will win a copy of the Proven Amazon Course. I will either handpick the comments myself or I will assign a judge to pick the winners.
All comments must be in by May 14th, 2012 at 9PM EST. The winner will be announced a few days after the deadline.
Here’s a quick recap of some of the things included in the PAC:
- FBA Course Audio Interview
- 7 Course Videos
- Report: Craigslist Ad for Inventory
- Report: Understanding the Amazon Customer
- New Book: 99 Wholesale Niche Sources to Sell on Amazon and eBay
- 6 Months Full Access to MySilentTeam.com
- Advance Retail Arbitrage Training
Please make sure you leave your name (or some other contact info) on the comment – so I can contact you if you are the winner.
Any questions? Email me at booktothefuture (at) gmail.com
Good luck!
Truly, it’s too long to wait until May 16! After perusing the info on the sales page…the fact that so many established people are involved with PAC is intriguing…let alone that they are creating such a huge positive return for themselves! I am totally blown away that this route to income can be available to me.
The detail and extensive forum, etc. candid, experienced support
suggests that this is the ultimate in Amazon selling intelligence.
I look forward to PAC starting me on firm footing and guiding my business upscaling as I gain experience.
Hi Jim,
In a nutshell…
1. The ablity to travel, buy and ship knowing that Amazon will do the fulfillment.
2. Step-by-step instruction on what and how to buy and specifically what equipment is recommended to take your business to the next level!
Crystal – TexasBookBuyers
I’m currently only shipping books from my home. I love the idea of FBA but because this is my part time job I’m worried I’ll quit in 6 or so months and have tons of books in an Amazon warehouse that are not selling. It seems this program will help me get past “just books” and onto real profit. I’m also very concerned about how to get my products to an amazon warehouse. The cost is concerning and it seems this program will provide the solution to that.
Frankly I think this program may be exactly what I need to take my part-time fun job to the next level and make it my main job.
I am interested in winning a free copy of PAC simply because I am tired of getting ripped off scammers trying to sell me on the idea that I can push the “Easy” button and make a fortune. I am not so naive as to think that it is that easy. However, it appears as though the PAC contains all the tools necessary to start and run a legitimate online business. I also like the fact that buying this course is like buying a house in a community that is closeknit. All the “neighbors” look out for one another and are interested in your success.
Please consider me for the free copy as I am more than ready to follow the lead of those that have invented the wheel.
I think that the most useful thing about this course will be getting another point of view about my business. I am legally blind and on top of that, I live in a geographically isolated area so the challenges I face in my business are different from many other sellers.
Those who live in more populated areas have access to stores, thrift shops, and garage sales or can just hop in a car to drive to more stores to source. I don’t have stores nearby and can’t see so I don’t drive…which limits me to online sourcing and wholesale sourcing.
I’m hoping this course will help me find more ways to source inventory and expand my Amazon business. It is very easy to get “stuck” and this course can be a big kick in the pants for me. I need another set of eyes (pun intended) to look at my business and see where I can push myself to do more, and I think this course could be a big help in doing that.
Thanks for your consideration!
One of the things that intrigues me is that it’s being presented by Jim Cockrum. Jim has a stellar reputation in the business world and he’s compiled proven FBA information from the best-of-the-best. A literal ‘who’s who’ from the industry. They always say ‘learn from a Master!’ PAC offers a number of pros to learn from.
With the latest Panda updates and now Penguin, the affiliate model is not the best course of action. (Jim has been saying this for a long time!) Having your own business and selling your own products is the way to go.
And with one in five internet users visiting Amazon? There is no better marketplace!
In my opinion, the discussion forum and access to My Silent Team is not just ‘a bonus’, but a chance to interact with like-minded folks and get any questioned asked. That’s priceless.
I’m at a pivotable point in my life and PAC could be the ticket for my future. Especially since Jim says: “It’s changing lives faster than any other course I’ve ever launched.” That speaks volumes.
Nathan, I would love to have a chance to win this valuable material and I thank you again for making this contest available to your readers.
One of the 2 things that sound the most exciting is the inventory items: where to find inventory from craigslist, and the 99 wholesale niches.
The 2nd would be the 6 months of my slient team membership. Seeing all the bonus reports sounds like something I could learn a lot from.
I could benefit from this because I think I jumped into amazon the wrong way. So It would be good to have so much in depth information and videos to get re started on Amazon the right way. I would also benefit from the all the reports: Advanced Retail Arbitrage, sourcing on craigs list, the reports that are free with my silent team. Sounds so exciting! To have this wealth of information all at one place at my fingertips!
Thank you for this opportunity to enter!
The Proven Amazon Course is TRULY amazing! The advice given and the discounts included are amazing. You can truly start a business for very little money. If I win this I will gift it to a relative that could truly use this. I was given the course as a Christmas gift and WOW! I now have about 2000 items in the Amazon warehouses and average about $100 a day after Amazon fees.
Mike Markuson
Feel Free to friend me or contact me on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michael.markuson
I am just starting out and I have been trying to learn on my own the in’s and out’s of Amazon. I’ve been on eBay selling one of a kind things and my paintings and I would like an income that I did not have to produce the inventory!
I am interested in the “unlimited inventory” and the idea I do not have to store things at my home or concern myself with shipping items on time. I am a busy mom and artist and I need more income like so many of us but I am already working as hard as I can! I need a course that is quick and to the point and gets results and doesn’t work my fingers to the bone!
I also noticed, if I wish, I could jump in on the wall art, there is not much competition, although the prices are too low. I would VERY much like to know THIS: How to price your inventory higher than your competition while still outselling them (this will blow your mind!)
I hope you pick me 🙂
This course looks awesome! Exactly what I need to take my Amazon business to the next level.
My biggest challenge is finding inventory (like most people) to consistently have product to put up for sale. This program I believe would skyrocket my sales!
You can tell a lot of work went into this by people who care and really want you to succed and not just take my money .The first thing that caught mt eye was Jims support forum that goes with the course, that is priceless.Its nice that when I have questions there is a support group there to help and answer questions.
My buisness can really benefit from this because instead of doing this alone and costing myself hundreds of dollars in mistakes i wont this course will save me that learning curve that can be costly.This course will also give my buisness some direction on were to start which is what I’m lacking I dont even no were to start with Fba.But I know I can do it.I had major success with Jim Cockrums diabetic test strio course and to this day am still making money selling the test strips.So I trust Jim and hope I win.I will actually use the information and put it to good use instead of letting it collect dust on my hardrive.
For me, the two best offers to PAC are:
1. THE ANSWER TO THE AGE OLD QUESTION: WHAT SHOULD I SELL? OMG, not only do you get some insight on what to sell but you are shown where to get it too (and for a good price).
2. The list of contributing experts is truly impressive. This is what makes it a truly believable and marketable product. Knowing that these experts were involved in the making of this product makes me a believer.
I would really love to gain access to this product as well as Silent Jim’s membership site. I have been eyeballing this product for a while now but can’t really afford it. This would be a great opportunity for me to be able to finally make some real money and teach the strategies to my kids. The are 18 and 20 and don’t want to get caught up in the rat race. I can’t blame them. They want to start there own internet business. Maybe this can be the start of a new family business!!! Here’s to wishful thinking!
Having just recently learned that the Fulfillment By Amazon program existed. I thought immediately that it would be a perfect fit for myself and most of my family who have always enjoyed browsing through anywhere that a bargain can be found, a habit acquired by accompanying our Amish raised father to swap meets, garage sales, flea and farmers markets and library sales everywhere we’ve gone. I had the hardest time figuring out how to narrow down to two the things that I thought were the best about the Proven Amazon Course. When you take into account that it is a FULL course not a “one piece at a time” product designed teach you enough to sell you the next installment, like some I’ve seen. Then there is the impressive list of contributors all with PROVEN track records, a clear indication that every effort has been made to give you as many angles to this as possible. Add the PRODUCT SOURCING information, The TESTED portable tools list, the access to the ADVANCED AUTOMATION info as you ramp up and need it, and the access to a SUPPORT TEAM. All of those things are STELLAR but the best things about the Proven Amazon Course are simply that I know that I and my family will be able to do it and that we can cut literally years off of the learning curve between getting started and BEING PROFITABLE. thank you!
Mark – Florida
I have two twenty something sons, only one of which lives in my basement. They inherited my question authority attitude so they have been searching for a way to go into business for themselves. (The job market around here is terrible.)
We’ve looked at several Internet marketing businesses but the guys hate writing lengthy products and have been looking for something to fit their computer skills. The Amazon FBA program has been the first item that has gotten them to look up from their video games and start talking about business.
This program has created a sense of hope in this divorced mother’s heart that my two sons will soon be earning a living entirely on their own. (Maybe,one day, I can reclaim my house as well.) Thank you!
I’ll be 100% honest and straight to the point. I was very hesitant picking up Chris Green’s book as well as Cynthia Stine’s book on FBA selling. I was even more hesitant to find other FBA sellers doing their sales pitch on the web. It just simply seemed like one of those too good to be true things. I decided not to jump in but to browse around a little and see if I could pick the brains of some of these FBA experts like Chris Green and Jim Cockrum. I went ahead and sent an email to Chris, and surprisingly he got back to me immediatly…and he wanted to talk over the phone with me. For me this was a shocker. I don’t know many people out there that will talk to a stranger about setting up FBA and selling on Amazon. At this point I knew I could trust Chris and everyone he recommended.
Looking at the PAC course which I just scanned I learned 2 very important things. I can trust these guys because if they are willing to go out of their way to work with me (a complete stranger) than I have hit gold. The last thing I learned is that There is just so many helpful people and the PAC sales pitch gets straight to the point and not only tells you what you will learn but who will teach you.
It’s easy to say this is all phony but when someone like Chris reaches out to me (someone who has been in the business for a while) I know the support I will get will be awesome.
Like I said it would be easy to toss PAC aside and say it’s a pipe dream to make good money by selling on amazon, but when you have people that support you and go out of their way to work with you that is something special. No one is making them do this, which blows my mind at their sincerity and generosity.
Hi Nathan ans Jim. The two things that intrigued me the most about PAC were:
1. I like the fact that Jim has sought out and worked with the most successful Amazon sellers in the world to produce this course. This is big. Because it will save a lot of time and money searching for which books and courses to buy. It’s all right here! It’s awesome! I have been struggling for a while now to find and pick which book or course to buy. So many see lame or unbelievable. It appears that I have found the right one!
2. I recently started a non-profit organization called Intentional Stewardship International (ISI) that provides a continuum of services including financial education, skill and resource building and mentorship. I could totally see having PAC as part of the curriculum for teaching struggling single moms and those who are unemployed , just to mention a few, how to permanently improve their financial situation and achieve long term sustainability. I have been selling books on Amazon (inventory has been a challenge) for about a year now with the intent of funding ISI. PAC is the answer I have been looking for. It will help me learn how to find more inventory and run a better Amazon business as well as teach other how to do it. I could totally see how PAC could be the tool that will allow ISI to become the viable organization that will be able to change many lives!
It would be a blessing if you would consider me as one of the candidates to receive the course. Thanks for giving us this awesome opportunity.
Phil LaBarbera
The 2 things I like most about the course are:
1. The massive depth of the course material. To get a course put together by people who truly are experts that includes knowledge on unlimited inventory sources; inexpensive bulk shipping; selling at prices above the competitive listings; automating the entire process; tools to spot a winning inventory; how to run the business from anywhere; and access to the Silent Team for 6 months with the ability to continue after that time period; is simply mind blowing!
2. Having 7 videos to repeatedly access plus having all of the additional bonuses is fabulous!
I had to give up my career when I had to take full permanent parential guardianship of my parents and have both of them under nursing care at the same time. I lived in a different state than they did and the agreements that I had to make with the court in the state where they lived in order to take on the guardianship necessitated that I had to travel back and forth frequently for 6 years. Well, so much for my career.
But, this has left me in a very awkward position because I am now past the age where I can effectively get back the certifications I have to have to re-enter my field which was mainly involved with keeping people alive and healthy under dangerous conditions. I was in the industrial safety and hygiene field on nuclear waste site clean-up.
And, add to that, my wife decided to divorce me because I had to constantly fly back and forth, even though I was still able to support her. My attorney says she definitely lost her common sense in making that decision. However it is what it is. And, all of this has left me financially strapped. So, I have to choose very, very carefully what program I put my faith, time and effort into following.
And, why do I relate this?
It is simple. It has everything to do with the second question requested to be answered. I have the incentive to completely reinvent myself and even more incentive to succeed! And, that means that I will actually put this program to use!
I have looked into numerous options that will enable me to carve out a new life for myself. But, most of the programs and gurus I encountered, or that were pitched to me, were pretty much hollow. I have been putting it out to the universe that I would be shown a way to be successful selling on Amazon because I am very impressed with all that Amazon has to offer. Plus, I love books and all they have to offer to expand one’s mind and/or entertain. (I love to read.) And, I have read some excellent books on the subject. However, nothing seemed to really click as being a clear path forward until I came across this program!
Your ad page is very well done with thought; good, concise information; and, real substance. And, that speaks volumes as to what quality will be present in this course.
I will be honored if you choose me as one of the recepients of the course.
Thank you for making this opportunity available for all of us to express our views as to why this course is valuable.
Stephen Sherman
Well, I would first like to thakn you for your blog. As I am a newcomer to the world of Amazon FBA it is very helpful to have these tips and tricks here and so generous of you to share them with others.
I think the two most useful and great things about the course for me is that I am still in the very early stages (I am actually listing my first inventory this evening!) and my brain is like a sponge, willing and excited at this prospect. I have long wanted to be an internet entrepreneur but have lacked the time and resources to create my my own enterprise. But with the help of Amazon and people like you, I can do this too! I am willing to do whatever it takes to make my dream a reality. The next most exciting and awesome thing about this, is how little I really have to do. I do not need to come up with an ingenious invention that will revolutionize blending, or perfect the lawn mower and try to convince people why mine is better than the millions available. All I must do is simply choose my inventory to send to Amazon, ship it to them in a few big boxes and wait. Please, enlighten me with your knowledge so that I too, may quit my job and spend days at home with my child instead of slaving over the paperwork and emails that has been my life for the past 10 years.
Thank you for this opportunity.
Yours truly,
Mikhaila K.
[email protected]
Hello! Thanks for running the contest.
I think I need this course. 😉 I’ve failed to sell on eBay before–and Amazon. (I have some gorgeous photos of unsold items from my eBay days.) When I first heard about FBA, I got really excited by the possibilities. A way to make some extra dough for bills by using shopping math? Off-site storage? I’m in! In my enthusiasm, I bought a book on selling online for my Kindle, but nothing more came of it.
Looking at the sales page, I’m really impressed by the sheer certainty of the PAC course. It’s far more comprehensive than my initial forays into retail arbitrage. It looks to be incredibly thorough, which is something I found lacking in the book I read. The 99 niche markets sound particularly intriguing! In addition, I really love the idea of learning how to source local product to sell online.
I’d benefit from this course in that, as a broke twentysomething with medical bills, I’m looking for a new start for my wallet. This course looks like it could help me out with that. 🙂
Thanks again for the chance at this!
I’m a newbie on amazon and I’m here to build my online business as a full time job.
I need any information that is available to be successful and on my research I stumbled across “proven amazon course”, which I see as very informative and tried with fine reputation
Most of all, i’m interessted in the FBA and the mysilentteam.com
Many thanks for this opportunity!
Yours truly,
[email protected]
The two things that intrigue me the most are:
1. the Report on Understanding the Amazon Customer because by getting insight in to the psychology of the customer, I will have a better idea on what items to sell and how to market those products, and
2. the Ongoing Training, which will help me continuously evolve my sales program.
If I won the course, I feel that I would benefit by having the tools to finally create an income source that would allow me the freedom to spend enough time with my 3 and 5 year old children and still make a decent enough income to alleviate the financial stress we face in these difficult times.
I appreciate your generous offer and hope to have the opportunity to try this program.
CHARYQ1 (at) gmail.com
I have been knocking around at online sales for a few years now. I say knocking around because I don’t have a concrete plan and steps to build a consistent reliable income stream. The problem has been sorting through the noise and info overload.
I also struggle with the fear of just going for it. The list of items given with this course is mind blowing. I can really see that following this course step by step would allow me to really build a successful business.
The advantage of a course like this is I could use it to finally get out of debt and help my aging parents in their golden years.
It could truly change my life and my families family tree. The course is awesome and after looking online for an hour or so, I cannot find any negative comments about it. That says it all.
First Thank You for this offer. Looks like you will have tons of reading with all these posts.
I’m trying to fine tune FBA because I live in two locations. This is a dream to sell when you can not merchant fulfill.
I’m always looking for guidance in pricing right to move inventory without incurring storage fees.
I have been a media seller and need to get out of my comfort zone for higher margins. With limited time as a caregiver I need to “do it right”
The extra income now is for increasing health care costs and supplementing a retirement income.
I know this can be done, I just need to keep moving forward.
Oh and last but not least you have all the pros in this book to make it the Bible of FBA!
This course sounds great. I especially like:
1. The idea of bundleing similar products.
2. Finding unlimited sources of inventory.
I have been using FBA for about a year and need to step up my game. My husband wants to retire in December, and I need to be able to support the family.
Love the fact that you are giving this away. Thanks for a great contest!
What two things about The Proven Amazon Course intrigue me the most?
1. “Proven.” Jim and the other people behind this course walk the walk. I can short-cut my learning curve by following ONLY the people who actually know where they’re going and can point out the pitfalls so I don’t have to find them the hard way.
2. “Amazon.” I get it! Being able to hitch my wagon to the Amazon star is an amazing opportunity that is only going to get bigger. Plus it’s always good to get in sooner rather than later.
(And I really do have a “wagon” to hitch: I’m a 60-something woman about to set off to explore North America in a little RV. I love the idea of visiting small communities not only to discover their history, culture, beauty and a variety of fascinating people, but to uncover “buried treasure” I can sell on Amazon, too. Exciting!)
Thanks for this opportunity. The fun has already begun!
I would love to learn how to sell on Amazon because I’m sick of eBay!
I have been learning about Amazon’s fulfill program lately. The fact of finding books at places like the Salvation Army, yard sales, resale shops, etc.and the fact of having a scanner to use on the spot to find the profitable ones is intriguing to me. In addition to the above, cheap shipping costs and ready made warehouse space with no ‘one on one customer service’ to deal with is like icing on the cake.
How will this training program affect me? It is time consuming to learn the ins and outs of a new business and can be very stressful and costly. It is easier to follow a step by step proven course while avoiding discouraging pitfalls and costly mistakes when trying to figure sometime like this out on your own. Having a profitable business is definitely a bonus,too.
Hi Jim,
Firstly thank you for providing this opportunity!
I am interested in the PAC due to the fact that I am being forced into a meager early retirement and will have time on my hands and am not interested in being a Wall Mart greeter to make ends meet. So at 61 I must start a new career and I prefer to be in business for myself and this is the perfect opportunity for my wife and I to work together and have some fun doing it. Thanks for considering me. Your free e-book was awesome BTW.
Rick Strickland
I began my FBA career after reading Nathan’s book,”Selling On Amazon’s FBA Program”. I’m now at the point where I’ve made some money but want to step it up to the next level and make some real money. After reading the sales page for the “Proven Amazon Course”, I can see right away that my business could definitely go to the next level if I had this course. I, like most, struggle with pricing my items. It would be grand to know how to price my items higher than the competition and outsell them at the same time. Secondly, finding profitable inventory, that would be great! I would like to make this an easier process. The Proven Amazon Course would definitely be put to good use by me.
I am always learning and looking for ways to improve my business. Thank you for offering the PAC. Hope I win;)
The two most intriguing aspects of this course are the aspects of automating the business and finding unlimited inventory. Those are by far the most important aspects that I would like to learn more about. The intriguing thing with FBA (being a recent economics graduate) is what we call economies of scale. FBA allows the average joe to enjoy economies of scale – that is, we receive the cost savings that a company usually gets with major expansion. We as individuals are able to expand our business model with little investment. For example, to have an inventory of over 10,000 books may involve paying overhead for storage and hiring employees to ship. This is going to raise your operating cost, not to mention your management efforts. But with FBA we actually have lowered operating costs (in economic terms we have diminishing long run average cost) with the ability to expand our inventory – this is a first in the business world. This is an absolutely incredible opportunity that FBA brings to the table. I think this proven amazon course looks very promising, due to the people supporting and teaching it, and it would dramatically improve my life since it likely would teach me much quicker than I can learn on my own. To learn from others experience rather than making a lot of mistakes on my own seems to be a big opportunity in itself 🙂
I’ve been eyeing this course for a while now. Just waiting until i have some side cash. A few reasons why I think its worth my investment. #1, anything that is backed by known experts who walk the walk and who have been recognized for their expertise, is an instant trust factor for me. I’m all ears basically!
So gurus like Jim Cockrum and Skip is just very exciting for me.
#2. Besides the hand holding in the course itself, the added incentives that are thrown in makes me want to jump for joy! 6 months free to http://www.mysilentteam.com is awesome.
#3 I know the content that these gurus will teach me will take my struggling FBA business to ‘a whole new world’
This course represents a great chance to escape the nine to five work week and break through to freedom!! I think creative sourcing would help me increase my overall volume and help me grow my current FBA buisness.Bring on the knowledge!!
Hi Nathan,
I’m excited that you decided to give away PAC as your 1st contest on this blog!
The 2 things that intrigue me the most about this course is:
1) The list of experts that’s involved with this course (a follow a few and love their advice).
2) The breath of topics that is covered. Looking at the list of topics, I have a lot to learn from you and the others.
I’m sure the PAC can help me by expanding my online presence and learn a lot more than I know now.
Again, very excited about your contest and hope you get a lot of replies from your readers!
csufpk (at) gmail.com
I have sold on Amazon using FBA over the last year with some success. My goal is to go full time this year and finally break free from corporate America which will give me more time with my young family.
What intrigues me about the course is first, sourcing techniques. I have tapped out the local market and need to become more creative with Craigslist, arbitrage, local clearance and book sales.
Next, I need to know how to use my branded products to increase sales. I need to know how to creatively set up this area though.
FBA is a proven business opportunity for me. I believe that getting the right information will set the right foundation for growing a successful business.
I have only recently started selling on Amazon. Finding a reliable source of information is key. Finding this information at the right time is also key and helps to restore your faith and give you a kick start that you need. My aim is to build on my small business with a little help from some friends.
I am 50 this year and it is my goal to enjoy what I am doing and make ends meet. It’s also my 50th birthday on 16 May, so it would be a great birthday present – and I’m not making this up! I feel old all of a sudden..
Anyway, bye for now Fiona Blake.
I’ve been following your insights for the last four months. Just picking an idea here or there on your blog I’ve almost made it to positive cashflow from scratch. I look forward to getting completely positive and dramatically increasing my profits. Thanks for your advice, it’s been great!
Hi Nathan,
Thank you to both you and Jim for the opportunity to win a copy of the PAC.
I am just getting started with FBA and the two things that intrigue me the most about the course from the sales page are that it shows:
1. how to find unlimited sources of profitable inventory and
2. how to run my business from anywhere
I will benefit from the course by having access to the expertise of others who are more experienced and are already successful with FBA. They are role models who can help shorten my learning curve.
Longer term, my goal is to become a part of Jim’s LIT program if it becomes available again. This course would serve as a springboard to join that group and take my business to the next level.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and for your consideration.
Nathan, Awesome Ideal of giving away a couple of these courses. And when I read down the list of blog post, you have alot of great folks reading your post! Actually, going down the list of contributors of Jim’s blogs is how I came across your name originality. I went and looked at most of their blogs, but something seemed to intrigue me about yours more than the rest. It seems your are out everyday making your online business happen. a lot of the other contributors maybe doing the same thing, but it seems maybe a lot of them would rather be writing instead of doing. Jim always has great information. I’m slowly getting started with Amazon, and I’m trying to do it right, so I’ll be successful and for the long term. I sure would like a free copy, that be great, but after looking at it again today, i think I might just go ahead and order a copy… lol I’m sure its that good, especially if your endorsing it !!!
The constraints of my circumstances have been dictating my life for all too long. I’ll not go down without a fight!
Seventeen years ago my husband & I were hit by a drunken driver (w/out insurance), leaving my husband w/severe brain damage, assorted physical deficits, in a wheelchair, & w/me to raise 3 children & him. I’ve been a full-time caregiver for a total of eight years. Nine years he spent in & out of assisted living facilities. Major challenges have been many & often w/little to no warning.
During periods that I was not taking care of my husband, I worked jobs w/out adequate finances, advancement opportunity, or flexibility to manage my husband’s needs & maintain my home. The limitations of a “job” were extremely stressful.
My husband has been home again for a year+ and I have the impending responsibility of stepping in to help my aged parents. With the unpredictability & complexities of my life, the best solution is to have an online business w/multiple streams of income, one that is reputable, flexible, & unlimiting, one that can weather the storms. I am resilient, but I am tired of having to be resilient so many times; I need to be better prepared.
Researching online eventually brought me to Jim Cockrum’s sites. Jim is reputable, honest, experienced, wildly successful & stable, while at the same time being humble, generous, & willing to reach down to grasp the hand of the little guys & not only lift them up, but provide them with the tools & guidance to enable them to transform their lives….& rinse & repeat. Someone worthy to emulate. In addition, he partners w/many others w/similar attributes; I really respect that.
I’ve read Jim’s “The Silent Sales Machine”, “Best 20 Ways”, & just received “Free Marketing: 101 Low & No-Cost Ways to Grow Your Business Online & Off”. Decided I wanted to take the Proven Amazon Course to start with, however, have not been able to afford it yet.
Having previously started & managed my own offline business & directed a small nonprofit, I know the work & commitment it involves. We’ve just been approved for some assistance that will enable my husband to attend daycare 5 days per week. I am trying to remove some of the stressors in my life & simplify as much as I can. My motto has always been “it’s easier to learn from other people’s experiences”.
After running into so many brick walls for 17 years, I am looking forward to breaking through the constraints, to equip myself w/some real choices in my life. More options to provide better quality care for my husband, choices to better meet my needs, the choice to take a vacation, & to feel passionate about something again.
My grown children are working toward positioning themselves to weather the storms better than my husband & I had been prepared to. I want to be an example that there are alternatives available for fulfilling lives, with stability, financial success, & without the need to be subject to limitations of working for someone else.
Two things that intrigue me most about Jim’s PAC, and how they will impact me, are:
Comprehensive –
1. SIMPLIFIES entire business process
2. helps to STAY FOCUSED by using one program w/ ability to access most resources in one place
3. MINIMIZES STRESS (lessens my responsibilities and hassles & SHORTENS LEARNING CURVE w/ expertise of reputable partners (Silent Sales Team) and interaction w/forum
4. SAFETY/PEACE OF MIND with “proven” experts developing this program of using a “proven” Amazon FBA system to grow a business
Flexible –
1. Will ACCOMMODATE MY SCHEDULE (or lack thereof) and day’s/life’s circumstances & geographic location
2. DIVERSITY in niches/products within niches; & its scope unlimited
3. EXPANDABLE-ability to utilize the resources to add multiple streams of income
Thank you so much for offering this chance to win such a wonderful opportunity.
– Sherry
Hi Nathan,
Thanks to all involved in this give away.
1. All the info that’s packed in this course. Really who in their right mind can only zero down to just picking 2 things.
2. Well it would give me more pcs to the puzzle, Listen I ran across FBA on YouTube around May 1st since then I have bought a Dell Pda X51V and laser scanner (lots of research newbie here). I’m dollar poor but common sense rich, I’m 50 yrs young and see a good thing so I’m going for it. I’m approaching this strictly by viewing videos and reading blogs and post. I first saw JB Malik on YouTube, then you thru reading and then dollar moves on YouTube. Just from those 3 sources I have learned a great deal since May 1st. I have resisted asking any questions on blogs or vids, I have wanted to but haven’t, just to prove to myself that this can be had by anyone willing to put the time and effort into it.
So how will I benefit Hmmm?
It would be like picking the right item on the old Price Is Right Show with Bob Barker.
The only opportunities we get are those that we see and act on to keep us going forward in learning new things.
Thanks for all the great info.
Long time ebayer learning new things.
Rolivaresjr (at) gmail (dot) com
I’ve been an FBA seller on Amazon for 9 months. I use FBAPower and FBAScout with my iphone, and am a member of the FBA forum. My monthly net has averaged around $800. I’m trying to take my business to the next level by sourcing more inventory, pricing products with more consistency, utilizing a repricing program, and, in general, being a more professional seller (just got my DBA, and I’m now looking at collecting tax). I also hope to find a better way to calculate my profit and loss – right now I manually input all individual titles and include information such as title, purchase price, date listed, listing amount, sales price, fees and profit. It is very time consuming, and I’m looking for a more efficient system.
I’ve been thinking about purchasing the PAC for a few months, and I want to thank you for providing this opportunity to win one! My two main reasons for wanting this program are: (1) The opportunity to learn from a team of experts. One of the things I’ve been realizing lately is that I have a few holes in my knowledge that are holding me back. I want to go back to the beginning and re-analyze how I operate my business. The PAC will allow me the opportunity to learn and re-learn how to be a successful FBA seller. (2) Seven course videos with detailed information on how to run an FBA business. It will be helpful to have FBA information detailed in step-by-step videos on various subjects. Really looking forward to watching the experts explain how they do it!
Thanks so much for this opportunity. Susan
Thank you all for the GREAT comments!
It will not be an easy decision to pick the winners.
Please keep an eye on my next newsletter later this week. The winners will be announced there!
Congratulations to the winners of the Proven Amazon Course contest.
The following people will receive a
free copy of the program:
1. Mark in Florida (comment # 13)
2. Stephen Sherman (comment #17)
3. Sherry (comment #40)
If you have not done so already, please contact me ASAP to receive your copy.
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I had two questions
1) I went to the PAC website and the price was $347.00 not $159.00 what is the real price
2) Will there be another contest I just got a email 8 hours ago and understand the contest was about 12 days ago.
Thanks for your help
This is an old contest. There will be a new one coming up soon though!